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Diablo 2 Patch 1.13 Hydra Sorc

I played D2 few years ago. Recently I started play again old games like Baldurs Gate saga etc and wanted to try again D2. But I cant decide between Lightning sorc or Summoner necro. I heard summoner necro can play even naked but Im afraid this will become boring after awhile. On the other hand Im afraid Lightning sorc will have hard time vs immune monsters (single element). So any advice about this two classes? Did you get bored with necro?

Or how to deal with immune monsters as single element sorc? Whats better option for first build on the account (as i said I played few years ago but I dont remeber much so i consider myself as new player)?PS: I know its D3 forum but I think its better place to ask than Video Game Discusion.

Will you play Single Player, Ladder or Non-Ladder? Iirc, light sorcs are pretty expensive to gear up (Infinity runeword for merc, light dmg head are both rare), but once you get gear they will melt everything in seconds, my favourite class in D2 alongside JavazonI did try a summoner necro once, so boring and the mobs got stuck in doors all the time, if you do try one, get Enigma so you can teleport (mobs teleport with you).Edit: Go for more help, I havent played D2 in ages so I'm sure my help would be outdated. In either case you will need really expensive gear, gear that without forum trading or real money might aswel be impossible to acquire, you will never make them from drops via gameplay, you could play for years and not even come close to gearing a char properly. Playing naked sounds pretty optimistic for a Necro but they don't have issues with immunity mobs like a Sorc would, the pets can cause major lag in multiplayer games though and they get stuck in tight places and are much less effective as a result. Properly geared then either will completely destroy, but don't expect to get that gear without outside means.I find Diablo 2 a pretty shallow experience these days, since you really do require top end gear that mostly only exists through heavy botting and duping. If you're not concerned with playing Hell and going for Ubers and just playing the game through then anything goes, Immunity only really becomes an issue in Hell. Well if you are going to START with a lit sorc, you aren't going to have crazy top end gear like an infinity merc to lower resists.

You'll have a necromancer wand on switch with charges of lower resist and you will be tri-elemental unless you get the infinity merc.lightning sorc tri-element build:20 charged bolt20 lightning20 nova20 lightning mastery1 static field1 telekinesis1 teleport4 frozen orb1 cold mastery1 hydra1 fire mastery99 points spent at level 89.getting to level 95 isnt too hard, so another 6 easy points to spend somewhere.Options are:chain lightningfrozen orbhydraYou'll have a spirit crystal sword, a +2 skills hat and ammy and a +1 skills shield. +7 skills easy. You'll need to get +2 skill instead of +2 lightning to boost everything up.You will be able to kill anything, albeit a little slow if its lightning immune. I changed my mind and picked Amazon, will try make Javazon lightning build. I think more fun than summoner necro and probably better survi than sorc.


Need some gear tho later on.I've never liked summoner Necro since you don't do much actually when you play him, you just, well, summon stuff and throw in some spells every so often. Sorc, indeed, has a relatively low survivability, but she has incredible controlling spells that balance it up. I've never really played her beyond Nightmare. Don't know why, but something about her gameplay just rubs me the wrong way.

Diablo 2 patch 1.13 release date

Diablo 2 Patch 1.13 Hydra Sorceress

Diablo 2 patch 1.13 info

Diablo 2 Sorc Stats

Patch 1.13cA new Mystery has been revealed!- Adventurers of Sanctuary are hereby warned once again, that a new challengeawaits you. Within Diablo's Bosses, spanning across the world from theancient Monastery Catacombs to the Throne of Destruction, is where you'llfind what you seek.Major Bugs- Fixed an item dupe bug.- Video improvements for Intel Mac machines with OS 10.5 or greater.- Fixed an issue where some players could kill other players while in town('TPPK').- Fixed an issue where some players could disconnect other players whenthey had too many active states.- Fixed two issues where players could stack auras in an unintended way.